Thursday, April 14, 2011

Austin Art Yard Tour: Coming Right Up!


Hey Y'all,
The Austin Art Yard Tour is this weekend-- Saturday and Sunday. It's totally free and totally worth the time you spend yard hopping, trust me. Pictured above is me and my friend Scott Stevens, yard artist extraordinaire. His Smutt Putt Heaven is on the tour. There are over two dozen stops along the way-- some are drive by and others are come-on-in-and-look-around-the-yard. You can pick up a pdf map here. I'm super psyched to see that 4200 Avenue F and Sparky Park are both featured spots-- each features the art of my friend Berthold Haas. I actually have a room in my house that's painted "Sparky Park Blue," a color Berthold came up with that you can buy over at Breed & Co. Happy yard sailing.

1 comment:

juwster said...

I've been to Smut Putt many times, and it is a priceless adventure. Peaceful and serene, exciting and colorful, interesting and artful. On each visit you see something new although it may have been there a very long time. Something you must see in this one journey we have.