Very sad news. Last week, Jon Pettis, a member of Bankrupt and the Borrowers, died in a freak tragic house fire. His roommates, in addition to losing their friend, also lost everything they owned. A new house has been located for them. I contacted the guy in charge of helping them acquire household goods and he said yes, they still need stuff. That said, they are also receiving a lot of stuff. I'd like to help them fill in the gaps without too much overlap-- you know, they are sorting through so much emotionally that I don't want to drop off fifteen mattresses if they only need five. So what I'm asking is, if you have something you can donate-- anything from toiletries to furniture to kitchen ware-- please let me know what you have and if you are able to get it to me or if I need to pick it up. Email spike@spikeg.com with your info.
I will then send the compiled list to Gene and once I know what is truly needed, I'll let you know if I need what you have.
I would like to take a selfish moment here and note that I am totally snowed under with a book deadline, a new job, and about eighty freelance deadlines. So if you don't hear back from me right away, please know I am listening but I might not be able to reply until next week. Also, if you can offer to help pick up stuff from donors, that would be awesome given my insane schedule.
Below are two links-- one a brief story about the fire. The other takes you to the band's website. OGD likes to operate more with goods and services than cash. That said, if you want to make a financial donation to the band, the second link will get you to a Donate button.
Also, my friend Ross, who lived a couple of doors away, is in the beginning stages of getting a memorial for Jon set up down at Town Lake. If you want to donate to that cause, let me know and I will connect you with Ross.
Please help spread the word.
Thank you,
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