Not long ago, via the
Office of Good Deeds, this blog, and Twitter, we were able to help find emergency blood donors for a very sick newborn. Since we did such a good job helping out, we've been asked to help another critically ill Austinite. Please see below. If you can't help personally but can help spread the word, please do. Contact info is included. Thanks, spike
> This plea comes from a friend of mine. She's trying to get the word
> out for Josh Talbot, a UT student who is critically ill and in
> desperate need for bone marrow donors. There will be a bone marrow
> registry drive at the Flawn Academic Center 12/1-12/5. Even though
> they might not find a match for Josh, there are dozens of other Joshes
> out there awaiting their matches. Additionally, there is a desperate
> shortage of minority donors on the Bone Marrow registry.
> There will also be a platelet drive here in Austin 11/29. These
> donations will go directly to Josh. I will be participating in both
> and hope you will think about it too.
> Recently published articles:
> http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/headline/metro/6105657.html
> http://www.dailytexanonline.com/state_local/volunteers_seek_possible_bone_marr
> ow_donors
> please let me know if I can provide any information.
> Sara
> Robertson.sara@gmail.com